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On this page you get Maupa's most favourite links about CCTV surveillance.
They are subdivided into categories.


NoCCTV - is campaigning against CCTV surveillance in the UK and beyond
Big Brother Watch - fighting intrusions on privacy and protecting liberties


Spy Blog - Motto: Watching Them, Watching Us
Loss of Privacy - Keeps you informed about recent violations of privacy and civil rights worldwide


Surveillance and Society - international, interdisciplinary, open access, journal of Surveillance Studies

Movies/ Media

Every Step You Take - Movie by Nino Leitner (2007) about CCTV surveillance in the UK


Little Brother - Novel by Cory Doctorow (2008) about teenagers in San Francisco after a terrorist attack
Nineteen Eighty-Four - Novel by George Orwell (1949) about a society ruled by a oligarchical dictatorship

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